website is, hands down, the
best way to promote your business
The Internet offers an extremely convenient
means of generating customers without the
prohibitive cost of advertising. A website
will maximize your marketing investment
by leveraging the incredibly dynamic
marketing channel that is the Internet.
There is an unbelievable amount you can do
with a website, from gathering contact
information, to ultimately making a
customer. It becomes your virtual
storefront, enabling you to easily compete
with much larger organizations.
quality website, combined with effective
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), can
bring a higher return on investment than any
other type of marketing.
Aartvark Graphics can quickly take you from
invisible to the top of the search engine
results in as little as 30 days, and more
importantly, keep you there. We are
knowledgeable in all of the subtle nuances of
SEO, and can bring you a truly powerful and
dynamic web presence that will supercharge
your business. It doesn’t matter whether the
business you want is local, from across the
country, or from around the world.
We can give you WEB DOMINATION at an
AFFORDABLE PRICE. What are you waiting
for? Join the Internet age today.
he Internet has changed the way companies do business. It has opened many doors for small to medium sized businesses to compete
with large corporate entities. A decade ago, many small businesses were closing up shop, unable to compete with their larger
counterparts. Today, with the right Vancouver, Washington website design, coupled with Internet marketing, companies can become far more
successful, and open their products up to a much wider audience.
Like any other situation in life, first impressions count. This absolutely counts in website design just the same as anywhere else. The fact is
that people form opinions about the look of your website in 1/20th of a second. The aesthetic of your design is therefore an important factor in
the success of your website, and ultimately your online business. By making the right first impression, customers are likely to have a positive
reaction to your products and services. In turn, they are more apt to buy your product, or utilize your service.
By no means will the aesthetic of your site be the only factor in your site’s success, or lack of thereof. It is one factor among many, but given
the increasing competition for the Internet dollar, it only makes sense to have as much of a competitive advantage as possible. We
can give you that very advantage.
The importance of aesthetics doesn’t mean that, in order to have a
good site design, you need to overdo it with imagery, or add a
lot of fancy flash animation. In fact, we would argue that,
other than for a few specific industries, both will probably
do more harm than good. What we feel is important is
to ensure your site has a “professional” look and feel.
Professional vs. Amateur Website Design
By a “professional” design, we don’t necessarily mean you
need to pay a professional to design your website. As website
designers though, we do think it’s a good idea. Professional
website designers (the good ones anyway) have been trained, or have trained
themselves, to be able to control very subtle parts of a design that can have a huge impact.
Look at some of the commercials on TV. You can frequently see a vast difference between the
very professional looking national commercials, and the less refined local ones.
We’ve all seen examples of amateur website design. The sad thing is that these websites stick out like a sore thumb, but for all of the
wrong reasons. These websites make you wonder “who in the world thought that this website design was a good idea”. These websites
are often cluttered to the point that you can’t distinguish one element on the page from another. In many cases, several elements of the
website simply don’t function, of several pictures aren’t where they’re supposed to be. Some website designs use colors in such a way
that it actually causes pain to the eye, or they seem so jumbled that none of the elements seem to belong together.
A dead giveaway that a website was done by an amateur is that all of the text is centered. For whatever reason, when most people first
set about designing a website, they think that having everything centered is correct. Truthfully, the first site or two that many of us
designed had lots of centered text. Fortunately they were all done in a web design class, and most of the other students were doing
exactly the same thing. Here is one case however where there is not strength in numbers.
The best designs are those that stay out of your way, and don’t draw attention to the actual
design itself. Some of the best designs are those that you never actually notice because the
design has allowed you to move right into the process of interacting with the site, finding what
you want as quickly as possible, and moving on to the rest of your life.
The point is that design is very important in the success of a website. Again it’s not the only
factor, and the fact is that there are many successful sites that suffer from poor website
design. While the cost of hiring a web professional to design your website might seem
prohibitive at first, it is not nearly as great a cost as not having a quality design. Most of those
poorly designed, yet successful, sites spent a lot more to get that success than what it would
have cost to get a good design.
Great website design allows you to connect with your customers without you realizing this
connection. They key is to convey your message, products, and services in a way that emulates
an in-store experience. Usability of web content should also be reviewed to ensure it is user
friendly to all customers. Remember, your website is your online identity. Don’t push away
customers with complicated websites. If you keep these tips in mind, you are sure to create a successful online presence.
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